What is Chiropractic?
Chiropractic is a health system based on the theory that disease and disorders are caused by misaligned bones, especially in the spine, that obstructs proper nerve function. Chiropractors manually manipulate the joints of the body and realign the spinal column. Chiropractors diagnose and treat disorders of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. The philosophy of chiropractic believes that skeletal imbalance and joint malfunction, particularly in the area of the spine, can cause pain and imbalance. Chiropractors rely on palpation, pressure, and manual manipulation of the joints and muscles to cure these problems. Subluxation and chiropractic manipulation Chiropractors use the term subluxation to depict the altered position of the vertebra and subsequent functional loss, thus determines the location for the manipulative treatment. Chiropractic kinesiology Chiropractors often use chiropractic kinesiology to treat structural imbalances and muscle and joint problems. Chiropractic kinesiology is a specific form of diagnosis using functional neurological muscle testing (FNMT) as a primary feedback mechanism to help determine the cause of an individual’s chief complaint and to help evaluate our structural, nutritional and mental aspects of health. Chiropractic treatment is suitable for everyone, including small children, the elderly, pregnant women, and sports enthusiasts. Your chiropractor will help you to maintain your health, and keep your body aligned as it should, and by offering exercise and lifestyle advice for you to follow in the future. Not all insurance covers chiropractic care. You will need to check with your health care provider. Most chiropractic offices will call and check on your coverage, but it is best to call your health provider prior to your visit. Chiropractic treatment can be temporary (3-6 visits) or it can be ongoing (1-2 times per month). You may achieve a degree of comfort after your treatments, but misalignment of joints can sometimes be reoccurring depending on your lifestyle. If you are searching for a Chiropractor in Temecula, we offer a $57 First Visit to see if Chiropractic care is right for you. We offer care for neck & back pain, headaches, shoulder pain, lower back pain, and hip pain or sciatica. We accept most PPO Insurance and can work on injuries resulting from an auto accident. Call our office at: (951) 710-6744 or book a visit on our website: www.ace-chiro.com Copied with permission from: http://plrplr.com/75835/align-your-body-with-a-chiropractic-treatment/
If you’ve ever pulled a muscle in your back, or put a rib out of place, you’ll know how irritating and painful it can be. But did you know that, if left untreated, a back injury can cause permanent damage?
Often, when someone pulls a muscle or injures their back in some way, they will go to the drugstore or the doctor and pick up some medication. Now, there may not be anything wrong with taking medication to help numb the pain, but medication on its own will not fix the problem. That’s why, on the back of the bottle, it will say, “Take no more than 4 or 6 pills in a 24-hour period”; because the pharmaceutical company knows the medication will wear off and you will need to take more! The best thing to do when you have injured your back is to make an appointment with a chiropractor. Many people are intimidated by chiropractors because they don’t know what chiropractors do. Chiropractors are back doctors: they have studied everything there is to know about your back, and they will be able to give you the best advice and treatment for back injuries. There are various treatments a chiropractor may give you, including adjusting your back by applying pressure, using rapid release therapy (RRT) or electric muscle stimulation, and applying heat or cold to the injured area. The next time you injure your back, by pulling a muscle for example, think about what damage that injury might do if you cover it up with medication. The irritated area will cause muscles surrounding it to tighten and to work harder to make up for the injury. Over time, this can cause damage to a larger part of your back, putting you in more pain than you were in before. Take the time to research a local chiropractor. You can also ask one of your friends to recommend a chiropractor here in Temecula. Be sure to look for a chiropractor who offers walk-in or same-day visits. Many chiropractors offer special rates for the 1st visit. After you have attended your first appointment, you will realize how helpful the chiropractor is, and how he or she will take the time to discuss your situation personally and design the best healing plan for you. It’s worth it to make this effort; you will save yourself pain and will give your back the care it needs. Copied with permission from: http://plrplr.com/79250/why-put-up-with-back-pain-visit-a-chiropractor/ |
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